The Ramblings Of John Campea

Life Beyond The Movies

Is It Shallow To Think Attraction Matters?

I had a strange conversation with someone today that’s left me scratching my head a little. Without all the boring details, here’s how it went…

I mentioned that physical attraction is a significant thing when one is considering pursuing another person. I didn’t say that was a good or a bad thing… just that if there is going to be a connection between two people at least SOME sort of physical attraction at some level has to exist.

The person I was talking to insisted that made me a shallow person and proceeded to get quite upset with me.

Once again, I didn’t say that’s how it SHOULD be… I merely pointed out that it was a fact. But to this person… just stating that made me a shallow person.

So what gives? Is some sort of physical attraction important or not?

December 18, 2009 - Posted by | Life


  1. People might say that they never judge people based on their looks when they are looking for a partner, but they’re lying. Its in human nature to do it. A person’s first impression has a lot to do with how they look, how they act and what they wear. Some people can get passed their first impression of another person, and focus on their personality, others can’t. In my opinion wanting physical attraction doesn’t make you shallow at all. It just makes you human.

    Comment by pinklove9 | December 18, 2009 | Reply

  2. Physical attraction is an inescapable factor unless you are blind. It’s essentially a shallow factor, but an inescapable one. I believe it’s your own opinion as to how much physical traits affect your opinion of a person and thusly your viewing of them as a suitable partner. Usually in the end it is of little importance. You aren’t going to decide the fate of a relationship on their looks alone.

    Here’s an interesting question: If “Avatar” were a woman, what would you do?

    Comment by War-Journalist | December 18, 2009 | Reply

  3. When you first meet a person the first think you will base your opinion on is their looks. After you get to know them other factors will come into play. I can’t speak for anyone else but me personally, I can become attracted to a person based off personality if I weren’t originally attracted to them physically, but that only goes so far. If you were like 600 pounds or something there is no way you could have a good enough personality for me to be attracted to you.

    Comment by cloud720 | December 22, 2009 | Reply

  4. John, it’s not shallow to think this. While, it is to say it’s all physical, it’s completely a part of it. All the people i have dated I have been attracted to in both ways.

    Comment by Eric | January 2, 2010 | Reply

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